Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Reason to Stay - Kellie Coates Gilbert (3 book in Texas Gold Series)

I really liked this book. It is very different from the first two in the series (please note that all the books are stand alone books and you don't need to read them in order). This book is told in two settings. One before the accident and one after the accident. I love that you bounce back and forth between the two time periods to fill in the gaps. You don't have all the information to start with and it allows you to gradually learn all the details while trying to understand the circumstances. Faith was an amazing woman, though it took her a while to figure it out. She is worthy of love and attention even though she didn't get that from her family when she was younger. She grows by leaps and bounds in her personal life, career, love life and her walk with God. She so desperately wanted to plan things (to a "T") and life doesn't work that way. I often find myself in the same boat when trying to do things "my" way. I also appreciated the author notes and understanding where the idea of the story came from. What an amazing testimony to life and being resilient. Life is hard work and so is love. You have to work at both. Some days you get it right and some days you don't. But you get up the next day and you try again. Through it all, God is always faithful even when it feels like your world is falling apart.

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